On April 4, 2018, Xi'an Daily and Xi'an Evening News both reported on the entrepreneurial history of Mr. Bu Taojiang, our general manager. We have learned profoundly: During the decades of development of Shaanxi Longxin Industrial Co., Ltd. Mr. Bo Tao Jiang's entrepreneurial philosophy always adheres to the principle of "survive by quality, seek development through science and technology," and keeps making progress and selfless dedication. He dedicated his heart to the conservation of forest resources and made a sincere heart and a sincere heart. Innovative leader in fire protection.
Xi'an Daily reported
Under the leadership of Mr. Bo Taojiang, our company has developed rapidly. The forest fire prevention projects undertaken by the company have spread to many provinces across the country and have repeatedly prevented forest fire accidents. During the construction of the project, Mr. Bu Taojiang asked the process managers to select poor households as much as possible during the project construction process, and hand them over construction technology to do their utmost to help the country’s poverty alleviation.
All my colleagues in the company will continue to innovate under Mr. Bo Taojiang's leadership, work hard, keep making progress, will forest fire prevention business in the end.
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