surveillance system
作者:隆信实业|发表时间:2013-06-12 16:19:00

       Monitoring is the physical basis for real-time monitoring of key sectors or important sites in various industries. The management department can obtain effective data, image or sound information through it, and timely monitor and memorize the process of sudden abnormal events to provide high-efficiency, Timely command and height, layout police force, handle cases and so on. With the rapid development and promotion of current computer applications, the world has set off a powerful wave of digitization. The digitization of various devices has become the primary goal of security protection. The performance characteristics of the digital surveillance alarm are: real-time display of the monitor screen, single-channel video image quality adjustment function, each video recording speed can be set separately, fast retrieval, multiple video recording mode setting functions, automatic backup, PTZ/lens control function , network transmission, etc.

       The monitoring system consists of five major components: camera, transmission, control, display, and storage. The camera transmits the video image to the control host through the coaxial video cable. The control host then distributes the video signal to each monitor and recording device, and simultaneously records the voice signal that needs to be transmitted to the recorder. By controlling the host computer, the operator can issue instructions to control the movements of the top, bottom, left, and right of the PTZ camera and perform zooming and zooming operations on the lens. The control unit can be used to implement multiple cameras and PTZ cameras. Interchange. Using a special video processing mode, you can perform operations such as recording, playback, and processing on the images to achieve the best video results.

       Video surveillance system products include optical transceivers, optical cable terminal boxes, heads, PTZ decoders, video matrix, hard disk recorders, surveillance cameras, lenses, stents. The components of the video surveillance system include the monitoring front-end, management center, monitoring center, PC client and wireless bridge.

The description of each component is as follows:

(1) Monitoring front end:

       It is used to collect monitoring information of monitored points and can be equipped with alarm equipment. 1 ordinary camera + video server. The ordinary camera can be an analog camera or a digital camera. The original video signal is transmitted to the video server, encoded by the video server, and transmitted to other devices over the network using the TCP/IP protocol. 2 webcam. The webcam is an advanced camera device integrating video, video encoding, and Web services, and has a built-in TCP/IP protocol stack. Can connect directly to the network.

(2) Management Center:

       Take charge of all front-end equipment management, control, alarm processing, video, video playback, user management and other work. Each part functions by its own dedicated server.

(3) Monitoring Center:

       It is used to centrally monitor the areas under its jurisdiction, including the video wall and the monitoring client terminal group. There can be one or more monitoring centers in the system.

(4) PC client:

       In addition to the monitoring center, remote monitoring can also be performed by the PC on the network.

(5) Wireless Bridge:

       Wireless bridges are used to access wireless data networks and access the Internet. Through the wireless bridge, the monitoring information on the IP network can be transmitted to the wireless terminal, and the control instructions of the wireless terminal can also be transmitted to the video monitoring and management system on the IP network. Commonly used wireless networks are CDMA networks.

Work characteristics:

(1) Digitization:

       The digitization of video surveillance should first be the flow of information (including video, audio, control, etc.) from the analog state to the digital state in the system. This will completely break the “classic closed-circuit television system is based on camera imaging technology” structure, fundamentally Change the mode and structure of the video surveillance system from information acquisition, data processing, transmission, system control, etc. The digitalization of information flow, encoding compression, and open protocols enable seamless connection between the intelligent network video surveillance system and various subsystems in the security system, and realizes management and control on a unified operating platform. This is system integration. meaning.

(2) Networking:

       The network of video surveillance will be based on the structure of this system. It will transition from an integrated system to a distributed system. The distributed system adopts a multi-layered hierarchical structure, with a multi-tasking, multi-user, and distributed operating system for micro-kernel technology. The rapid response of the preemptive task scheduling algorithm, the hardware and software of the distributed video surveillance system adopt standardized, modular and systematic design. The configuration of the video surveillance system equipment has strong versatility, good openness, flexible system configuration, and control functions. Perfection, convenient data processing, friendly man-machine interface, and simple system installation, debugging and maintenance, system security, fault tolerance and reliability.

(3) System integration:

       The network of video surveillance has, to some extent, broken the geographical and quantitative boundaries of deployment areas and equipment expansion. Networking of the system will enable the sharing of hardware and software resources of the entire network system and the sharing of tasks and loads. This is an important concept of system integration.

The monitoring system can timely, image, and truly reflect the screen of the object to be monitored when it is impossible for the person to directly observe it. Closed-circuit monitoring system has become the most effective observation tool for monitoring and monitoring in modern management. In the control center, as long as the operation of a single staff member, it is possible to observe multiple controlled areas as well as monitoring functions in a remote area.




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