Li Shuming, deputy director of the State Forestry Administration, listened to wo
作者:隆信实业|发表时间:2018-01-17 16:57:00

On January 19, Li Shuming, deputy director of the State Forestry Administration, listened to the work reports of the 15 “two constructions” assigned by the forest resources supervision agency in 2017 and the innovation and improvement of the supervision mechanism. Li Shuming fully affirmed the achievements made by the forest resources supervision agencies assigned to them in the past year, and put forward five requirements for the next step in the supervision and management of forest resources: First, the new face of the new era of forestry ecological construction The situation must be accurately grasped, and there must be a clear understanding of strengthening forest resources management and supervision. The second is to strengthen the top-level design and study and formulate the most stringent system for the protection and development of forest resources. Third, in the process of demarcating the ecological protection red line, we must make clear the forestry background and not lose the land. Fourth, we must keep in mind the mission of responsibility and seriously perform the duties of supervision and management. It is necessary to further promote the establishment and implementation of the responsibility system for the protection and development of forest resources by local governments, increase the direct supervision and supervision of cases, and coordinate with relevant departments to study and formulate the leading cadre accountability system for forestry ecological environment damage. Fifthly, the resources department and the supervision office should effectively play their role in the management guidance, coordination, and service of each forest resources supervision institution. Each of the forest resources supervision agencies assigned to the government shall, while standardizing the performance of their duties and earnestly strengthening supervision and management, further strengthen the "two constructions" of the organization.

      The comrades appointed by the forestry resources supervision agencies of the State Forestry Administration and the chief comrades responsible for the main business, the cadres at or above the department level of the Resources Division and the Supervision Office attended the meeting, and the responsible comrades of the Accounting Department, Work Station, and Office of the State Forestry Administration attended the meeting.





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